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When I am Copyeditor General ...: Professionals will deserve the title


Professionals will deserve the title

I'm signed up for a bunch of industry newsletters on email strategy, web usability, SEO, online marketing. Every day I spend a good chunk of time reading subject lines and buh-leating those that seem irrelevant (yes, the research is correct; that is how people make their email-opening decisions). That still leaves a hearty handful that get my complete attention.

And I guess, statistically speaking, some proportion of all commercial messages are bound to contain typos and grammatical errors.

So why is it especially noticeable--or at least more likely to get me riled up--when the mistakes come from communications professionals?

From MediaPost's Search Insider newsletter of June 22:
"At more then 44.3 million, the Hispanic population is the largest of the minority groups ..."

From Sean D'Souza's Psychotactics newsletter of June 26:
"So when someone is speaking, you need to listen to what they're saying in it's entirety. "

I must point out that both of the above titles are great resources (I invariably find a useful nugget in Sean's pieces). But when fundamental goofs like these catch my eye, I lose a little trust in the overall message.

How can I accept the credibility of the views of these experts if they haven't mastered the basics?

Copyeditor General's ruling: Professional communicators should take a look through their grammar books. Or at least have a diligent proofreader read their copy before hitting the "send" button.

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